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Pages tagged "Filter:SA"

A legacy of love and compassion

Professor Arnold Gillespie was a driving force behind the push for a voluntary assisted dying law in South Australia. When he became terminally ill, he applied for VAD himself. Here, Arnold's wife Debra tells his story.

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Latest figures from South Australia show steady increase in VAD permits

The South Australian VAD oversight body has released its latest quarterly report showing a 20 percent increase in the number of VAD permits issued during the quarter.

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Lily Thai's death sparks increased interest in voluntary assisted dying

The death of 23-year-old Lily Thai helped raise awareness about end-of-life choice in South Australia, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board has said in its latest quarterly report.

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11 assisted deaths in South Australia in first 3 months

New figures show eleven terminally ill people in South Australia ended their suffering using voluntary assisted dying (VAD) in the first three months of the law’s operation.

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Thank you for allowing me the choice to die on my own terms

Deb and Ron Baker, who are both living with cancer, have welcomed South Australia's passing of a Voluntary Assisted Dying law. “Finally politicians have listened to their constituents."

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A mother's plea to South Australia's MPs: 'Step up for the terminally ill'

South Australian Liz Habermann, whose terminally ill son Rhys took his life in 2017, has a message for MPs ahead of the final vote on the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill. "We as a state need you to step up for those unable to: People with a terminal illness, facing an uncertain death, who do not have the energy nor the time to fight for this Bill but who desperately want it passed."

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Former nun urges VAD law in SA

A former novice nun, Jane Qualmann has no qualms about rejecting some tenets of her deep Catholic faith. Living with a bowel condition that threatens her life every time she eats, the South Australian grandmother firmly believes in voluntary assisted dying as an end-of-life option.

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Let me come home to die

Ceara Rickard is facing a desperate dilemma. The 35 year-old has to choose between dying in Tasmania - a state where she lives and which has now legalised medical assistance to die - or being surrounded by family and friends at her home in South Australia, where there is currently no such law.

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'To drink and end the suffering, what a magnificent & merciful solution'

Julie Barrien has terminal endometrial cancer. She is urging South Australian MPs to continue to show the “great statesmanship” they displayed during the COVID-19 crisis, by legalising voluntary assisted dying.

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I will fight to live as long as I can

Hi, my name is Kym Watson. On the 10th April 2014, I was diagnosed with one non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in my neck.

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