Ask your WA MP to support a Government bill
On 23 August, the report of the Western Australian Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices was tabled in both House of Parliament.
A copy can be downloaded here.
Unnecessary suffering at end of life, and broad community agreement regarding individual autonomy, form the basis for the Committee’s recommendation that the Western Australian Government draft and introduce a Bill for Voluntary Assisted Dying.
The Committee also recommended a Bill be drafted in consultation with a panel of experts.
The Committee, which was made up of Labor, Liberal, National and Greens MPs, voted 7-1 in favour of these recommendations.
History has taught us how challenging it is to pass these laws in the face of concerted disinformation-and-fear campaigns mounted by our powerful and well-resourced opponents, particularly those from within the medical profession.
If you live in WA please contact your local MP today to strongly encourage the Government to put forward this legislation.
"Form emails" are generally not read - so we won't write the email for you - but we do give you some tips to help you find your own words.
We need as many voices as possible to speak up and be the loud majority!
Please share this campaign with your friends and networks and ask them to take action. Together we can right this wrong and help write these laws.
Thank you for your support!